Our desire is to delight our client! One way is to make clear our understandings with each other. These are the terms of our agreement together:
You, as the client, are engaging 21st Century Web Design located in Palm Bay, FL 32907, as an independent contractor for the specific project of developing and/or improving the internet visibility of a World Wide Website. The client authorizes 21st Century Web Design to make edits, visible or otherwise, to their website and publish to web search engines, as well as other web directories and indexes.
Marketing Package Elements
21st Century Web Design includes various services in our marketing packages. These are displayed publicly online at https://www.21stcenturywebdesign.com/internet-marketing . The features in each package are subject to change without notice or consent.
Purpose, Information & Access
The purpose of any of our marketing packages is to increase the visibility of your website, internet listings, and social media networks to your customers and prospects. This can be accomplished in any number of ways. It is your responsibility to be specific with your expectations, and provide the necessary information and access to accounts that will facilitate this purpose.
If access or information is not provided, our team cannot complete our job in your behalf. FAILING TO PROVIDE INFORMATION OR ACCOUNT ACCESS WILL NOT CANCEL YOUR MARKETING OR BILLING. Our team will make attempts to request this information from you and inform you when access information is inaccurate.
Communication & Approvals
Our firm utilizes Basecamp for all client communication. Important requests for access, approval, and changes will be posted there. Basecamp will notify you of messages via email. You can access Basecamp via browser or app. Your communication and response IS REQUIRED in order to proceed with our recommendations. Please keep in touch with us and review requests made by our team.
You can override the necessity of communicating on each item by simply stating that you approve of all our recommendations: past, present & future. This will provide permission to publish our changes in a timely manner if you feel you cannot review each item individually. This should be communicated in Basecamp.
Guarantees & Included Services
21st Century Web Design does not guarantee search engine rankings, visibility, contact requests, leads, phone calls, or sales. The services listed in our marketing packages are subject to change at any time. Based upon the status of your website, listings & social media accounts, we may recommend re-prioritizing our services to provide you with the most benefit.
Maintenance and Hourly Rate
This agreement includes minor webpage maintenance to current webpages, including updating links and making minor changes to a sentence or paragraph. If the client or an agent other than 21st Century Web Design attempts updating the client’s pages, time to repair webpages will be assessed at the hourly rate, and is not included as part of your package.
Changes requested by the client beyond reasonable limits will be billed at the hourly rate of $50.00.
30 Day Cancellation Policy
You may cancel during any month by providing a 30 day cancellation notice. This notice should be provided in written form, via Basecamp, email or letter. There are no cancellation fees. If you have a billing cycle within your 30 day cancellation, you will be charged a pro-rated amount based upon your date of cancellation. There are no refunds for partial months.
Payment & Billing Dates
You, as the client, authorize 21st Century Web Design to automatically draft your credit card on your billing date for the full amount of your marketing package plan every month. Available billing dates for marketing fees are the 1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd. You will be given a choice of these dates when you sign up, however, a pro-rated amount may need to be billed if your chosen date is not within a few days of your startup date.
Assignment of Project
21st Century Web Design reserves the right to assign subcontractors to your project to ensure the right fit for the job as well as on-time completion.
Legal Stuff
21st Century Web Design does not warrant that the functions contained will meet the client’s requirements or that the operation will be uninterrupted or error-free. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the website, directory listings, and social networks is with client. In no event will 21st Century Web Design be liable to the client or any third party for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate a website, directory listing, or social media account, even if 21st Century Web Design has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
21st Century Web Design reserves the right to refuse service or to terminate service for any reason. In all such events notice will be provided to you via Basecamp. If the termination of service occurs during a billing cycle you will be refunded a pro-rated amount based upon the date of termination. There are no other refunds for partial months.
If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
Copyrights and Trademarks
The client represents to 21st Century Web Design and unconditionally guarantees that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork furnished to 21st Century Web Design for inclusion in webpages are owned by the client, or that the client has permission from the rightful owner to use each of these elements, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend 21st Century Web Design and its subcontractors from any claim or suit arising from the use of such elements furnished by the client.
Delinquent Bills
In order for 21st Century Web Design to remain in business, payments must be made promptly. Delinquent bills will be assessed a $25 charge if payment is not received within 10 days of the due date. If an amount remains delinquent 30 days after its due date, an additional 10% annual interest penalty will be added for each month of delinquency. 21st Century Web Design reserves the right to remove any work from viewing on the Internet until payment is made. If your monthly service includes website hosting 21st Century Web Design reserves the right to suspend your hosting account and remove your website from the Internet until such time as the past due balance, in full, has been paid. You agree that no transfers of your website, nor your domain will be possible until such time as the past due balance is paid in full. You agree to hold 21st Century Web Design harmless for any lost business during this service outage caused by a past due balance. In case collection proves necessary, the client agrees to pay all fees incurred by that process.
This agreement becomes effective when sent to the company at the inception of service by 21st Century Web Design. Regardless of the place of business of the client, the client agrees that for purposes of venue, this contract was entered into in Palm Bay, Florida, and any dispute will be litigated or arbitrated in Palm Bay, Florida. Please pay on time.
Sole Agreement
The agreement contained in these “Terms & Conditions” constitutes the sole agreement between 21st Century Web Design and the client regarding this marketing package. Any additional work not specified in this contract must be authorized by a written change order. Continued services after that time will require a new agreement.
Initial Payment and Refund Policy
No portion of the initial payment will be refunded unless written application is made within 3 days of signing this contract.
21st Century Web Design reserves the right to edit these terms and conditions at any time.
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm